편집장 : 장윤석(경희대)
Prof. Yoon-Suk Chang
Prof. Yoon-Suk Chang
재료 파괴 및 신뢰성,
전산 및 응용역학,
설계공학 및 생산 분야
전산 및 응용역학,
설계공학 및 생산 분야

편집장 : 장윤석(경희대)
Prof. Yoon-Suk Chang
Prof. Yoon-Suk Chang
열 및 물질전달,
유체공학 및 유체기계,
에너지 및 환경,
바이오 및 나노 분야
유체공학 및 유체기계,
에너지 및 환경,
바이오 및 나노 분야
Transactions of the KSME A
Aims & Scope: The Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers "A" is a monthly periodical published on the 1st day of each month. The aim of the journal is to provide an international forum for the publication and dissemination of original works that contribute to the understanding of the following fields of mechanical engineering: Materials and Fracture & Reliability, CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) and Applied Mechanics, Dynamics and Control, Design Engineering and Production Field. Manuscripts may fall into several categories including regular contributed papers, technical papers, solicited/unsolicited reviews or commentaries.
Transactions of the KSME B
Aims & Scope: The Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers "B" is a monthly periodical published on the 1st day of each month. The aim of the journal is to provide an international forum for the publication and dissemination of original works that contribute to the understanding of the following fields of mechanical engineering: Thermal and Heat Transfer, Fluid Engineering and Fluid Machinery, Energy and Environment, Bio and Nano Field. Manuscripts may fall into several categories including regular contributed papers, technical papers, solicited/unsolicited reviews or commentaries.